Publication and Legal Notice


LUKAS-ERZETT Vereinigte Schleif- und Fräswerkzeugfabriken GmbH & Co. KG continually checks and updates the information on its Web pages. Despite our efforts, the data may have changed since the last update.


Therefore, we cannot assume any liability or provide any guarantee that the information we provide is current, correct, or complete. The same applies to all other Web sites linked to this site either indirectly or directly via hyperlink. We are not responsible for the content of Web sites accessed via such a link. Additionally, we accept neither general liability nor specific liability for direct or indirect harm, including lost profits, which may occur as a result of the use of the information provided on this Web site.


Furthermore, we reserve the right to change or add to the information provided on this Web site.


The content, structure, programming and layout of the LUKAS-ERZETT Web site are protected by copyright. Any copying or use of information or data, particularly the use of text, portions of text, or images, requires our prior written permission. This applies in particular to all text, images, graphics, logos, and video files. All material is protected by copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. The use, storage or copying of the logos, video and animation files or their layouts on the LUKAS-ERZETT Web site requires prior permission.


All text, images, graphics, logos and videos provided may not be altered or copied for commercial purposes for use on other Web sites. All brand names and logos are legally protected trademarks. All information or files, their use and any links to our Web site, as well as any action, tolerance or omission related to the LUKAS-ERZETT Web site is subject exclusively to German law. We specifically note that our permission, if granted, does not provide the user with any licensing rights of any kind. The intellectual property rights remain with LUKAS-ERZETT. All brand names and logos are legally protected trademarks.


All information or files, their use and any links to our Web site, as well as any action, tolerance or omission related to the LUKAS-ERZETT Web site is subject exclusively to German law.


All individual-related data compiled on our internet-site are exclusively captured and processed for internal purposes (customer service and consultancy) or for forwarding of product and respectively service information. Your individual data will be treated with confidentialty according to the terms of the data privacy laws of TMG.


The place of execution and the exclusive venue for the settlement of disputes shall be Engelskirchen.


LUKAS-ERZETT Vereinigte Schleif- und
Fräswerkzeugfabriken GmbH & Co. KG
Gebrüder-Lukas-Straße 1
51766 Engelskirchen
Fon +49 2263 84-0
Fax +49 2263 84-300


Legal form of the company: Private limited partnership
Registered office of the company: Engelskirchen
Commercial register: District court Köln HRA 17176
Personally liable partner: LUKAS GmbH,
registered office in Engelskirchen
Management Board: Dr. Peter Bühner, Stefan Lukas, Paul Lehnard
Commercial register: District court Köln HRB 39533
VAT no.: DE 812855907

LUKAS-ERZETT Vereinigte Schleif- und
Fräswerkzeugfabriken GmbH & Co. KG

Gebrüder-Lukas-Straße 1 · 51766 Engelskirchen (Germany)

Fon +49 2263 84-0 · Fax +49 2263 84-300 ·

Active member of Fachverbands Werkzeugindustrie e. V.